Wednesday Walks, Wit, and Wisdom

Wednesday Walks, Wit, and Wisdom

I mentioned before that my dad and I walk every Wednesday. It is a gift and something I look forward to each week. Often we laugh at something silly, a memory, or a funny story, but today we were more pensive, just talking as we walked the path. 

Beautiful prayer

At the beginning of the walk, my dad shared a quote that he had read. It's a prayer asking God to help welcome new experiences with a calm courage. As he recited the prayer, I couldn't help but think about how often I approach the "unknown' with trepidation. I can be fearful of what is ahead on my path. Here is the prayer:

"God, help me welcome all of the new experiences in my life. Give me the courage to calmly walk my path today, knowing I'm right where I need to be." Melody Beattie

A shift

As I revisited that prayer this afternoon, I had a different thought. I thought about changing my mindset. It occurred to me that I have my own path, and I can walk it with confidence and grace. My faith allows me to know that I am not alone on my journey, which gives me confidence. Not to be boastful, but to be full of grace. I don't always know what is ahead, but I know that I'm not alone wherever I go. 

My VOTY (verse of the year)

"This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

My verse this year ties in beautifully to the prayer and my new approach to walking my path with confidence and grace. As you journey along in life, I hope that you will walk the path you're meant to take and do so with confidence and grace!