The Purple of May

It was the purple of May that caught my eye. Even from a distance, I knew it was going to be good. I walked briskly toward the branches hoping to capture it with the right angle and light. I wanted to do it justice…to present the beauty this flower offers. The jacaranda tree blooms once a year in May. Its season is brief, and the beauty disappears almost as quickly as it arrives. So easy to miss if one doesn’t take the opportunity to glance up while walking down the street in May.

Sometimes the purple of May is the yellow of August or the orange of October. Sometimes opportunities disappear just as quickly as they arrive. They are fleeting and easily overlooked. Have you ever noticed how that happens? 

I hope today brings you an opportunity for something good! I hope you have an opportunity you don’t want to pass up, one you don’t want to miss! I hope you find beauty in the good things around you, even amid our messy, broken world. And most of all, I hope you grab hold of the opportunity to rest in the knowledge that you are important and God loves you! 💜

Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.