The Best Paths

The Best Paths 

by Kristine O'Connell George

The best paths

are whispers

in the grass,

a bent twig,

a token, a hint,

easily missed.

The best paths

hide themselves

until the right


comes along.

The best paths

lead you

to where

you didn't know

you wanted to go.

It's Poetry Friday, and here's a beautiful poem by @kristine_george from her book Toasting Marshmallows -- Camping Poems. While looking for a photo to post, I discovered this picture from a trip to Mammoth a few summers ago. My dad, brother, and I spent several days hiking and fishing in the beauty of God's country. Mammoth holds a cherished space in the hearts of my family. It's a place where we would connect with God and each other. Our trips always included deep conversations, lots of laughter, games, marshmallows, and campfire songs. And, of course, hiking and fishing, too. And some of the best paths lead us where we didn't know we wanted to go! We don't get to go as often as we'd like, but it's a special place. There's nothing like family and nature to help you count your blessings! I'm grateful for a legacy of faith and a love of nature.