
Serendipity...I love that word! It’s such a beautiful 5 syllable word that rolls off your tongue and then lilts joyfully at the end. It’s amusing to write and so fun to say aloud. But there is much more to serendipity than its’ onomatopoeia suggests. 

Fun fact:

Did you know that although the word is credited to author Horace Walpole in 1754 as inspired by a fairy tale, “serendipity” truly took on life in the 20th century?

Google and Oxford languages define serendipity as “ the occurrence and developments of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.” 

Poses the question, “Are we waiting for serendipity?”  

Life can seem like a series of events where we are waiting for serendipity. That lucky break, that perfect job, the new car, our fairy tale.  

But aren’t we grateful that God doesn’t work that way? He has life all planned out, and He is in control. Serendipity is not part of how he operates! When life brings about unplanned moments of happiness and joy, we can celebrate His goodness. 

And as much as I love the word serendipity, I’m grateful that it isn’t a word God uses with us. We are not here by chance or by coincidence. 

Luke 12:7 says the very hairs on your head are numbered! 

Psalm 139:13, 14 says you are wonderfully and fearfully made. 

So today, push pause on serendipity. 

Today, be you! Be the one God created you to be. You were made on purpose with proper care and consideration, no mistake! So embrace it and hold your head high because you matter, and it’s not serendipity!