Pain is discouraging!

Pain is discouraging

Yesterday was a painful day. I tried to push it away, tried ignoring it, tried going back to sleep, but nothing helped. I don’t like to talk about it, and I rarely post about it, but it’s a companion. It’s part of my daily life, part of my story, and some days it’s worse than others. Yesterday was one of those days.

Masking the pain

I’m not always honest with myself, and I really don’t like others to see my pain. I try to cover it up or mask it because it makes me feel small and weak. But here’s the thing..when I have pain, it reminds me to slow down, rest, and rely on God for His strength. It reminds me to be thankful that God always cares for me and that He makes a way. He knows when I hurt, and I’m comforted by that. I’m grateful that He gives me the strength I need for each day!

Not defeated by pain

I eventually made it out of the house to spend time with a couple of my favorite people, and I’m so thankful I did! We found a tree with some beautiful fall leaves and took this photo. A wonderful distraction for the struggle of the day. I shared my pain with them, and they were empathetic, listening with their hearts - they are my safe people. I pray you have some of those in your life! And, I pray you find your strength from God, who sees you and loves you more than you could possibly imagine!

Psalm 23:1-3  "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along right paths for his name's sake."