Mary, Did You Know?

But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them. Luke 2:19 CSB

I was a young mama - I had been married for 2 years when I got pregnant with my oldest daughter. I was in my senior year of college and trying to figure out how to navigate life as a 21-year-old wife and momma. My family, friends, and church were all so supportive of us - how lucky we were to have them cheering us on!  

I’ve been thinking about Mary and Joseph - their life as a young family with a newborn. The worry, the exhaustion, the unknown, and raising the son of!

But I love that Luke 2:19 shows us how Mary listened to the message the shepherds had brought, and she treasured it in her heart, meditating on it. What a beautiful picture of a young mom holding onto the promises of God. We can learn so much from Mary, and this is such encouragement for all of you mamas out there.  

God is with you; he sees you. He knows you’re weary, exhausted and he wants to bring you rest. Breathe in Jesus and breathe out peace. May God’s peace lighten your burden during this hectic season of motherhood. In those moments when it gets so hard, may you sense God’s presence giving you the strength you need. May you know the joy of raising littles, and may you be blessed. I'm cheering for you, mamas! Hang in there…God is with you!