Keep Looking Up

All the colors

I saw all the colors during my Wednesday walk with my dad yesterday. Dark green trees, bright blue sky, wispy white clouds, black and tan geese, turquoise awnings, hot pink t-shirts, brilliant yellow sun, purple jacaranda — a bevy of color. Isn't it like spring to pop out behind the curtain with all the surprises? It was as if, around every bend, something new was waiting. 

Hurried, harried, hectic

I had yet to start the morning with the intent to notice the beauty of a spring day. It began with a blood draw — my lupus labs. And here's the thing: for many people, blood drawn is no big deal, but I'm terrified of needles, and I hate the sight of blood. So yesterday morning, my mind was fixated on all of that. I was in a hurry, harried, and it was hectic! I hadn't noticed much of anything until my gracious phlebotomist told me I was done and free to go. That's when my mind shifted from anxious to grateful and keenly aware of God's gift of a lovely day. I glanced up and saw clouds! Suddenly, the focus was not on my fear but what was happening around me. I was glad to be outdoors for a reset.

Pay Attention

As my dad and I started our walk, I couldn't help but notice vibrant colors everywhere. I made a mental note of everything until I could pause to type it on my phone. It got me thinking. What might have been different if I had looked up at the sky before I walked into the medical building? Surely I would have seen those gorgeous clouds - a reminder that God's beauty is everywhere. I may have even remembered that God is with me wherever I go (my verse of the year, Joshua 1:9)! I try not to dwell on missed opportunities. Still, I'm a work in progress. I needed to pay attention to my mind and heart.

Keep Looking Up

Each day is a fresh start, a do-over, and an opportunity to improve. I'm grateful for that. And although there aren't many clouds where I live, you can bet I will spend more time looking up!