
About Me

It started with a poem…

I've always loved words and sharing them with others. But it wasn't until May of 2019 that I created them in written form, composing my first poem. My incredibly supportive husband, Michael, and I knew it was time for me to leave the teaching profession. The physical challenges of lupus and fibromyalgia were no longer able to be maintained while I was teaching. So I sat down to pen a farewell poem to my staff titled "Purple Butterfly." It was nerve-racking and exhilarating at the same time. Since then, I have continued to find inspiration in writing heartfelt and personal poems, sharing them little by little! And as it turns out, the few words from my poems inspired me to write children's stories. I currently have 5 unpublished books that I hope to get out into the world sometime soon! In addition, I've been prompted to write encouraging social media posts and blog the messages God places on my heart. He has given me a desire to touch the lives of others with His words. 

As a momma of two adult daughters, a Gigi to one adorable grandson, and 23+ years as an elementary teacher, I have been immersed in the world of literacy. Writing and speaking are where my love for literacy, littles, and the Lord collide! This new chapter of my life has given me opportunities that I would have never imagined. I am especially looking forward to sharing my stories and words with mamas, as you all hold a special place in my heart.

I believe words have the potential to make a difference in our lives, and that's why I write. I write to inspire, encourage and celebrate. I want you to know that you are special, you are important, and you are loved!

I'm glad you stopped by, and I'm cheering for you!