Heaven’s Beckon

On the brink of heaven 

where the angels beckon 

brilliant rays of God’s glory 

stream fervently through paradise 

He stands knowingly 

with open arms extended 

his grace and mercy flow freely 

upon this newly transformed body

As the earthly frame dissipates 

the heavenly one emerges 

Relieved from all the tangles of

worldly pain and grief 

Liberty in the Lord 

Precious freedom to worship and praise 

Joined in jubilee with the multitudes

United in a stunning chorus of 


Rejoice, rejoice 

this is the day the Lord has made 

rejoice and be glad 

for there are no more tears 

of sadness or sorrow

The old has gone; the new has come

And this, yes this, is 

A celebration to last a lifetime   

Christianne Smith  Copyright ©2022 All Rights Reserved