He is, he will

I was looking up verses yesterday to find a scripture for my Sunday post, and I came across these beautiful promises from the book of Zephaniah. I have to admit I don’t think I’ve ever read Zephaniah before, but this verse is certainly a new favorite. I spent some time looking closely at each sentence, and this stuck with me:

He is…he will

He (the Lord your God) is living among you

He is a mighty savior

He will take delight in you

He will calm all your fears

He will rejoice over you

He is…he will

He is living; he is mighty

He will delight, calm fears, and rejoice 

Doesn’t that make you smile? 

How beautiful to picture God being so invested in us because we are incredibly precious to Him! I love that!

So, this 1st Sunday of December, I’m celebrating the promises in Zephaniah. Praying joy and peace are yours this week!