Don’t Give Up!

Waiting is hard, isn’t it? So often, good things take time. We can be reminded of this when we visit the pumpkin patch. A beautiful field full of orange inviting us to meander through rows and rows until we select precisely the right pumpkin for our home. Then it sits poised perfectly on a porch or table or fireplace as a representation of fall. But that pumpkin didn’t realize its full potential until October. It was a slow process of seed, sprout, vine, flower and then fruit (yes, a pumpkin is a fruit 😉)! We generally don’t see the "behind the scenes" growth that happens over several months. We simply marvel at the final product. 

Writing is much like the life cycle of the pumpkin. It starts small and then when nurtured and attended to properly, it grows. There is a lot of hard work and patient waiting in the season, paired with the hope that our manuscript will be chosen to realize its' full potential so it may impact others.

But more importantly, is our faith. Yesterday, a friend shared with me Psalm 37:3 - trust God, do good, yes!! Galatians reminds us to continue doing good even when we are tired. Even when we want to give up and even when we wait! So, at just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing. And isn’t that what we all want? 

So hang in there! Keep doing good things and don’t give up. I’m cheering you on and I’m praying that a harvest of blessing is coming to you!