Buy the Flowers, Send the Card

Buy the flowers, send the card 🌼

It's easy to get so caught up in our everyday lives that we forget. We forget that life is happening beyond us…beyond our to-do list, jobs, and little circle. 

Today I was reminded that some people are hurting and grieving. Others are sad, sick, or lonely. And many need a friend or family member to say, "I see you, I'm thinking about you, and you're in my prayers."

So, today I bought the flowers. They were on sale at Ralph's for $7 a dozen, a small price for a beautiful reminder to think of others. I gave away two bouquets and kept the yellow ones. I've placed them in a perfect spot in my kitchen so I see them often. And today, I sent the card. 💛

I want to do this more often! I want to encourage others on their journey. I want to lift people up because others have done that for me. I want to spread joy! How about you, will you join me? 

"So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11