Beautifully Messy
Life is beautifully messy, isn’t it?

This photo was taken in Aspen, Colorado, last month. The path is lined so beautifully with trees in the process of change. The vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows sprinkled delicately on each branch. But that beauty doesn’t stay on the tree for very long before drifting to the ground, becoming a dried-up, trampled mess. 

Life is that way, isn’t it? One minute the beauty before you grabs your breath, holding you captive. But, quickly, it can become crumpled into a million tiny pieces of color unable to be reassembled.  

Shifting from one season to the next can be painful and liberating. Change can be difficult, but what if our perspective stayed the same? What would it look like to approach new seasons with the anticipation of something good, our sights set on finding beauty in our everyday lives?

Sometimes it's hard to soak in the moments of beauty that God gives us because our lives are busy, demanding, and we’re distracted. But what would it look like to be intentional about our focus - to really look for something beautiful each day. Could we find God's beauty in the seasons of change and in the ordinary rhythm of life? Perhaps we can!

And what about that mess? Well, I think God sees that as beautiful, too, because life is complicated, and we are perfectly imperfect, messy people. So let’s embrace the beauty of change, extending grace to ourselves and others while asking for God’s blessing through this beautifully messy adventure!