An Angel Appeared

I love this verse from the Christmas story in Luke. How appropriate that the angel begins the oration with, “do not be afraid.” I mean, picture sitting there minding your business just watching over your flock when all of a sudden an angel appears (in all its glory, no less). That would be pretty terrifying! 

Can you imagine what it must have been like to 1) see an angel and 2) experience the glory of the Lord? I can’t wrap my head around it, but I love the imagery.

And it gets better…the angel brings good news that will cause great joy for all people. Just like that!

❤️Good news

❤️Great joy

❤️For all people

Sometimes I make God’s word more complicated than it needs to be. The message from the angel was powerful yet beautifully simple. We don’t have to be afraid; we have good news that will bring great joy for all people. Amen! 

Happy Sunday! May you know the good news, and may it bring you great joy this week!