A Gift

This didn't arrive in a box

Nor neatly packaged with a bow

Not in a fancy bag

or accompanied with a card

But upon arrival  

I knew I had a treasure

Something precious that would bring  

Countless moments of happiness and joy

I was enamored from the beginning 

Unable to appreciate the value 

Or understand the significance

This much I knew,

Diligent prayers paired with immense love 

were poured out because 

He was special 

We spent days, nights 

months and years together

A constant in my life

With me, wherever I went 

Often ordinary, but 

sometimes extraordinary places

We encountered blessings and burdens

Experienced life's milestones  

Birthdays, graduations, weddings, babies

Even death

At times 

Distance or obligations interfered  

But, memories and conversations

Always kept us close

And even now, I am grateful for 

A phone call or message that

Creates our instant connection

Seasons change 

The hands of time keep moving

But, I am keenly aware

Of the indelible mark

Tattoed on my heart

Expanding joy




Absolutely, the best gift 

My parents ever gave to me

My brother, Jeff 

Copyright © 2022 Christianne Smith. All Rights Reserved.