Word of the Year: Courage

Courage is my word for 2022 - eeekk!

I knew it back in December of 2021, but I wanted to really think about and pray about it because it's a weighty word. 

Honestly, I was hoping for a word like faith, hope, or love. I could embrace those words with such ease and enthusiasm, but no, my word... courage. There is a bit of trepidation that comes with that word, and I fear that I'll have to face something I'd rather not!

When I envision the word courage, I think of the lion from The Wizard of Oz. He had courage all along; he just needed to be reminded of it. Next, I think of David and Goliath. I suppose I am more like David than the cowardly lion because I have God's strength to help me step out into situations where I am ill-equipped. My battles are not fought alone, and I trust that God is with me. But even still, the word courage is a bit daunting.

Word of the year is not new for me. I first started back in 2015, praying for my word and verse every year since. It has looked like this:

💗2015 Connect (no verse)

💗2016 Change (Isaiah 43:10)

💗2017 Be Fearless (Isaiah 41:10)

💗2018 Be Strong (Philippians 4:13)

💗2019 Joy (1 Thessalonians 5:16)

💗2020 Trust (Proverbs 3:5,6)

💗2021 Grace (2 Corinthians 12:9)

💗2022 Courage (Joshua 1:6-9)

I believe there is a reason for my word and verse this year. I know God has something beyond what I can even imagine. So I'm going to strive for courage in all that I do! Using Joshua 1:6-9 as the verse to support my word, I will seek opportunities to be courageous, knowing that I'm not alone on this journey. It's exciting and terrifying simultaneously, but I'm committed. So, here's to 2022 and courage!!