Nativity set circa 1989
One of my favorite Christmas decorations! It’s such a beautiful reminder of why we celebrate this holiday. Each figurine is strategically placed - just as they were 2,000 years ago on the first Christmas because isn’t that just how God designed it? 

He had a plan back then, and He still does, even in 2021 when life looks so different. There is no manger, no stable, no star. No shepherd or angel or wise men. But wait…an angel? Could be. Shepherds? I hope we have a few who look after us as their precious own. Wise men? Yes, there are some of those, as well.   

The Christmas story is just as relevant today as 2,000 years ago. But like all worthwhile and significant stories, it has to be told to remain alive. This season I want to challenge us to live out the Christmas story. The story of wonder and awe. A story of the ultimate kindness and gift to humanity, Jesus - God’s love on display. 

Will you join me and take the Christmas Kindness Challenge? Will you do something kind each day from now until December 25th? 

It could be something like:
♥️an encouraging message to a friend
♥️a meal to one who is less fortunate
♥️a cup of coffee for someone at the local coffee shop
♥️a tray of baked goods to a neighbor 
♥️a card to someone who is grieving
♥️donation of toys to a local church or charity 
♥️invitation to a Christmas Eve service 

Whatever it is, will you show some Christmas Kindness every day? Will you share the gift of the Christmas story with others so that they may know the reason for our joy and hope? 

I’m cheering us on, and I’m praying that December 2021 is the most meaningful yet! God’s Christmas story on display! Christmas Kindness Challenge ♥️