But, enough

This morning, I reflected on Thanksgiving and all the blessings that came from Thursday. We had a beautiful gathering of people. Not too many, but enough. I ate a plate of delectable food. Not too much, but enough. I watched the 2nd half of the Cowboys game, not a lot, just enough (to see them lose in overtime - boo). I cleaned up the kitchen, not everything, but enough. 

Sometimes it’s hard to be content with enough. On Thursday, I wanted one more person at dinner (one of our most precious who couldn't be with us), I wanted to eat more, I WANTED the Cowboys to win. I wanted to have an immaculate kitchen. But it didn’t happen, and I was okay. 

God doesn’t give me everything, but He always gives me enough. Why? Because He knows what I need. I'm grateful when I have enough, but I also continue to go to Him for my needs. It reminds me to find a balance between what I can do on my own and when I need to rely on God. I’m learning that enough = content, and that’s what I need to be. I need to be content with what I have because it is always enough (and then some). But gosh, it’s hard! Especially during the shopping season because I love to shop. Can you relate? I know there will always be something better, something more, but I’m determined to be content and grateful for all of my “enough.”  

Praying this holiday season, we can find that enough = content in all the ways God wants for us. 🤎Philippians 4:19