Note to Self: Don’t Miss It!

Tomorrow there is an opportunity, and I don’t want to miss it!

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to show gratefulness as we sit around a table during a highly celebrated occasion. 

I’m reminded of Martha and Mary when Jesus comes for dinner. Martha is busy prepping the meal, cooking, and finalizing the details of everything. At the same time, Mary sits at the feet of Jesus, likely hanging on His every word. Maybe Martha misses her opportunity because she has her sights set on something less important. Did they need to eat? Sure. Did the table need to be set? Probably. But did Jesus care about the things Martha troubled herself with? Maybe not.  

I want to be like Mary, I really do! But inevitably, I get distracted and hyper-focused on the minute details losing sight of what is truly important…the people and the opportunity. Tomorrow I want to be like Mary. Less Martha, more Mary. 

Tomorrow I will do my best to be intentional about what truly matters. And trust me when I say I’ll need to keep reminding myself to grab that opportunity to:

🧡be thankful

🧡make meaningful connections with loved ones and friends 

🧡share my faith 

🧡offer hope



🧡make memories

Thanksgiving comes just once a year, so “Carpe Diem” - seize the day! Anyone else want to join me? Let’s make the most of whatever opportunity God gives us!

Happy Thanksgiving!